How To Create That Online Course You Can’t Stop Thinking About.
A step-by-step guide featuring real-time case study results from an actual business owner building his own course.
Download it today, 100% free.

eBook Curriculum
Check out some chapters to get a taste of what’s in it…but it’s just a taste, there’s alot more.
And as an added bonus, we’re going to hold a live webinar. Come with your questions or just come to hang out and learn some stuff.
Chapter 1 : Identify Your Course Objectives & USP
Case Study: Review exactly what Michael established as his objectives and USP.
Chapter 2 : Pre-Marketing Your Online Class: Why and How to Think About Sales Before Your Course is Even Complete
Case Study: From $4K of Debt Financing to $500K in Pre-sales and Investments
Chapter 3 : Why You Should Think Structure First, And Then Outlining, When Planning Your Course
Case Study: What Michael learned in structuring and outlining his course
Chapter 4 : Building Blocks for Success: The Ultimate Guide to Your Online Course Tech Stack
One size doesn’t fit all, though, so in each area of your tech stack we’ve also cataloged some other options to look at, apart from our top recommendations.
Chapter 5 : Crafting Your Course Narrative: Scripted, Unscripted, and Everything In Between
Along the way, I’ve experimented with and employed a diverse cross-section of approaches to scripting.
Michael DiBiasio
I created a course centered around our filmmaking work at Fair Share Films. Along the way, I documented everything I learned, so that we could organize it into the chapters and subchapters that now comprise this eBook.

If it's so good, why it is free?
Simple. We want you to quickly build a successful course. And maybe along the way you'll decide to let us host your course videos 🙂
But if you don't, that's OK too. You have nothing to lose. Download this guide and you'll discover everything you need to build your own course.