Release Notes

Release Notes: May 2024

Release Notes: May 2024

Hello Spotlightr fam, it's time for another edition of release notes.  Our last one was at the end of 2023 and at that time we were on version 5.1.54.  It's been a little over 4 months since then, bringing us 14 more releases during that time. Included in those was a...

Release Notes: December 2023

Release Notes: December 2023

Time for some updates!  Our last blog update was in July, so we are long overdue.  Since July we've updated the Spotlightr platform 15 times (about one update per week, with some weeks skipped).  We are currently on version 5.1.54. One notable update wasn't a feature,...

Release Notes: July 2023

Release Notes: July 2023

We're midway through the summer, let's get to some updates that occurred over the last few months.  The last release notes were from mid-April, and since then we've gone through 9 platforms updates. We added an integration with Mailerlite and also revamped our Zapier...

Release Notes: April 2023

Release Notes: April 2023

Happy Spring!  We've spent the last few months on mostly improvements to already existing features but we did squeeze in some new stuff.  Some of the new features we important, but subtle.  Let's get into it. Live streaming was released to everyone on the platform. ...

Release Notes: Jan 2023

Release Notes: Jan 2023

Happy New Year!  2023 is going to be fun. Spotlightr 5 is humming.  Since our last update we've been continued to tighten everything up.  Feedback from our customers has been incredibly helpful.  With your help, we've moved a couple of things around and added a bunch...

Release Notes: Oct 2022

Release Notes: Oct 2022

We haven't put out any Release Notes since early June.  The main reason being that we were pretty much working on the biggest update to Spotlightr since it's inception.  And that was an all new app, completely redesigned.  June and July we had our heads down working...

Release Notes: May 2022

Release Notes: May 2022

There are times when SaaS companies go through lots of changes, updates and improvements but practically none of them can really be noticed by customers.  That's the case with the last few months for us at Spotlightr. We've been hard at work with the new Wordpress...

Release Notes: March 2022

Release Notes: March 2022

Wooooosh!  This first quarter of 2022 flew by!  What happened? Well, the launch of our new plans was pretty successful.  Tons of teachers and course creators just starting out have taken advantage of our Spark plan.  It's perfect for new websites and/or small courses...

Release Notes: January 2022

Release Notes: January 2022

Happy New Year!  It's going to be an exciting 2022. As mentioned in our previous update, new plans were coming and they have indeed arrived.  Right before Christmas we rolled out our Spark and Aurora plans to join the Polaris plan.  We hope these 3 plans serve to fit...